Naisha Moonfeather

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Naisha Moonfeather

Post by rivaan »

Naisha Moonfeather

About 5.7ft tall, with silvery white plumage and milky fair skin. Her eyes too are silvery white with a slight glow to them. She also wears on her forehead a crescent moon headress similar to what a number of Priestesses of Elune wear and rarely takes it off. Her body and hygiene are well cared for, making her different from nearly all of her kind. She has yet to grow fully, so she looks a bit like a kid at times.



Birth Place
Stonetalon Mountains


Priestess of Elune

Naisha was 'born' 16 summers prior in the part of the world known as The Stonetalon mountains. She was hatched in the bloodfury harpy, though she doesn't know who was her mother as she was just one of the countless other eggs there. What is known however is that even since the moment she broke out of her shell, everybody knew she'd be a different lil thing. Many of the hapries didn't like her before she was old enough to even see for she was born different from her sisters in the nest. The Bloodfury matriachy are well known for their red and white plumage with dominant red where she was almost entirely the color of fresh winter snow when she came out of the egg.

Growing among the other hapries, the young white one never really fit in well enough with them. She didn't get their need to attack and damage everything and kill people. She didn't get the idea of abucting males for whatever reason it was or even didn't get why it was bad to be clean. Being clean was nice... In return all the rest of the matriarchy collectively viewed the young harpy as an extremely weird one that was best left ignored. They didn't pay her any attention unles she messed something up and for them that was good way to deal with the situation. Still she proved to be an extremly unfocused and clumsy youngling as many of the harpries for the first time in their lives( their queen included), actually saw a harpy 'stumble' out of the sky when the white child forgot for some reason to flap one wing and fell down. That and her increasing clumsiness and messing up with differnet things, evnetually she was named Useless Fall. A very apt name as far as the older harpies were concerne, it explained everything about her. She was useless and she fell out of the sky. She actually had no idea what it meant since she was so young, naive and innocent at the time, so she took it serioslly as her name.

Eventually when she was around 5 summers old, the rest of the harpies were preparing an ambush at the burders with Ashenvale. There was a small ambushing party and she was put to simply stay on one of the cliffs by some boulders and was told when the outsiders showed up, she should push said boulders so they block their escape path. Not even five minutes into the plan the then child harpy flew down from her spot with the boulder, surprising the group of traveling night elves by not attacking them and asking them what they were doing in the ambush location and if it was interesting. This event was a bit confusing for all the people involved as the night elves were extremely confused by her antics, the harpies were furious, confused and just tired all at the same time. After the night elves decided they should probably leave, she just followed them along like a lil ducking back into Ashenvale. In the end she ended up spending most time with the Priestess of Elune. She was a nice woman named Sandiara Owlfeather. Sandia took the child harpy under her wing, effectively becoming both mentor and a mother figure of sorts. It wasn't completely unusual since sometimes orphan girls were taken very early into the temple and in those cases their mentors oftentimes served as mother figures to the growing girls. It was her that gave the white harpy the name Naisha Moonfeather, believing her to be a sign of Elune that the hapries were still capable of redemption in the future.

Naisha grew up for hte next 11 years with Sandia, she actually got a bit of a regular childhood of sorts. With time even for her short life at that point, she became somewhat well known among the priestesses of Elune, for her innocent and curious nature. The grace of Elune came very naturally to a degree that it did for very few. Sandia indeed raised her like a mother would. She taugth her to read and write, how to do math, she taught her history and geographics and most importantly of all she taught her about Elune and her mysteries. It's fair to say that Naisha became a priestess because Sandia gave her the love for the religion. She survived the second war with her mentor and mother figure. They never made it to the front lines to fight the demons, however they did see more than enough bloodshed and corruption that followed in the invaders' wake. In fact Naisha felt the fall of Cenarius as soon as it happened also. It was a great relief when the worst of the hostilities finally ended and somewhat of a peace was resumed, despite the fact that orcs were now present in Ashenvale. The following few years were also very hectic with many different chaotic events happening every now and then.

When the chaos finally subsided somewhat, Naisha finally convinced the woman she considered a mother, to allow her to venture out on her own. Sandia was originally skeptical since even by harpy standards Naisha was rather young and that wasn't considering the fact that her adopted daughter's innocent nature made her an incredible target for all the evil doers out there! It took time and effort, but in the end, Naisha was allowed to venture out under the promise that she stays out of trouble and writes home every month at least once. And so Niasha finally ventured out on her own from their home in Ashenvale and promptly got lost on teh way to Auberdine after seeing a wounded animal and following it to heal it... her adventures since then were always just as lively.

Skills and Abilities
Naisha's skillset isn't hte most varied out there given her age, but she is actually rather good at cooking, having learned from her adopted mother from young age. She's also a decent herbalist that she combines with the skills she learned in first aid from her mother since as she was taught, priestesses of Elune must always be able to help even if their magic isn't accessible to them or they are fatigued. She can recognize a good variety of herbs and create poutices and other medications from them. At one point when tinkering was spread on Kalimdor from the Alliance expeditions and their curious machinery, she showed interest in them and started learning a bit, but then they showed her how making the sketches and schematics was done and she dropped tinkering entirely, instead focusing purely on drawing, turning drawing into her hobby and she's very good at it.

Weapons/Tools and Magic
Naisha's main weapon of choice is her trusty staff! It's a simple solid straight piece of wood(bo staff) With Naisha's natural claws, she's actually not too great at wielding weapons, but the trusty staff is just right for her handling whenever she needs to resort to hitting something. She also can and is also adept at using her claws both on her hands and on her legs when she needs to. She also has a trusty simple dagger to handle more delicate cutting, though she's slow to do so because of her claws. She also carries a trusty mortar and pestle for working with herbs, bandages, herbs( both for healing and for cooking!) and a sketchbook.

When it comes to magic, Naisha's fully able to channel the powers of Eluna as all of the Moon goddess's priestesses could. She can channel it for protection, healing and even harm if the need requires it. Eluna is a kind gentle goddess, but she's not a pacifist either. The moon goddess can be an aspect of war when angered. In addition the young harpy's capable of limited control over elemental spells that are theorized to originate from her origin as many harpies were noted to wield the elements to some capacity. She doesn't really use this ability much unless for very simple tricks such as creating tiny sparks for lighting up campfires or amusing herself with creating gentle whispers of wind to move things, usually windchimes because they make really beautiful soothing melodies.
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