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Adedayo Azanga

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 1:58 am
by Ghaz
Nationality : DRC - Democratic Republic of Congo
First Change : 17
Age: 24
Tribe: Bagheera
Appearance: Long dreads tied at the back of his head, Medium Height, Black eyes

Adedayo was young when a group of men took him from his family and gave him a weapon and was forced to fight for them. Shortly after being taken he was soon told that the enemy had killed his family in order to keep him from running and to gain more loyalty from him. After a few years of being forced to fight for people he didn't know he started to steal from them trying to find something to eat or even to hide it for later. After a while he was caught but instead of being punished they trained him how to sneak and kill targets quietly with blades instead of using firearms. After training for a few years he became extremely effective hiding in the shadows waiting for the right moment to strike.

When he was finally 17 they gave him another assignment and it just happened to be by the village where he was taken from his parents. His mission was to assassinate the leader of the village so the resistance would be easily broken after the warlord's soldiers attack. After Adedayo easily passed the guards with no problem he soon approached his target before his target turned around and stared at him saying "Adedayo is that you?" He just stared at his target shocked and confused at how his target knew his name. He told the stranger "How do you know my name who are you?" The stranger replied by saying "I was a friend of your parents I thought you were killed shortly after they took you from them." Adedayo looked at the stranger with a confused expression until the stranger says "They killed your parents and we all thought you shared the same fate as them." After hearing the strangers answer he felt the anger build until he couldn't control it any longer and stormed out of the house. He returned to his camp killing every soldier that got in his way either man or child they all died. He couldn't control his anger he slaughtered everyone including the warlord that took him from his family the person that turned him into a weapon was in front of him dead and lifeless. He soon realized he was no longer normal he looked at his arms and legs seeing leopard skin and hair. He looked around seeing everyone he killed and ran as far as he could from that place.