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Derrick Mason

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 3:07 am
by Ghaz
Name : Derrick Mason
Apparent Age : 18
Actual Age : 24
Clan : Ravnos
Appearance : Short Straight Red Hair, Blue eyes, pale skin

Derrick lived in a neighborhood where it was survival of the fittest. The gangs in the street would get into fights about territory was the best time for Derrick to break into their homes and take what he needed and eventually he took what he wanted just because he was bored or because he wanted to. Unknowingly to him a mysterious girl was watching him from a distance taking an interest in him. Eventually he was caught and had to hide from the gangs. After avoiding the gangs on the street he was approached by the mysterious girl. She told him his work was sloppy but if he accepted her gift he would gain much more and be a better at stealing anything he wants. Once he heard it would make him better at stealing how could he say no. After his embrace his sire revealed her name to him and she began to teach him how to survive, how to stay in the shadows, and how to lock pick better. After a few years they became partners when ever they needed one. After parting ways with his sire for the moment he went on to steal what he needed to get situated in his new house.